[] Cow Wheel Pucks Behave Abnormally When They Collide With An Object

When the cow wheel pucks collide with another object (other pucks and the catching arm), the physics become crazy and they dart around abnormally. The easiest way to reproduce this is to hit a puck with the arm without catching it.

Attatched below is my recording of replicating the aforementioned bug:

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They’re now getting stuck in the air/ on top of the arm. Gradually gets worse as time goes on

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Somehow there’s a token on the floor now too, similar to the bug that the colour wheel had before

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[] Just wanted to update this since the recent update

When I first got on Tower today, Cow Wheel was working perfectly fine. This was on the server US East 2.

Footage for this here:

However when I joined US East 1, I noticed that the pucks were still jittery (though I don’t believe they are as bad as they have been in the past)

Footage for this here:

The only noticable difference between the servers was the player count. US East 2 had around 20 people while US East 1 had over 50. There were also no other players playing the machine at the time.