[] Potted Carnivorous Plant does not sing

The Potted Carnivorous Plant does not sing when set to play workshop audio. It also does not like to remember changes to what workshop audio has been set unless given a new one through SetSound IO.

Steps to Reproduce

Place a Potted Carnivorous Plant and set it up to use a workshop sound. Get it to sing.

What I expected to happen

The plant dances and sings : )

What happened

No funny singing plant : (

Notes / Media


You know I wondered how you were supposed to get it to do anything other than just loll around. It doesn’t work on streaming mode either - though I don’t know what the animation should be :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The Carnivorous Potted Plant is not intended for video playback

It is intended for Workshop Sounds or Internet Radio stations

If you read the bug report you’d know that they weren’t doing video playback.

I did read the bug report, and that’s how I interpreted it

I don’t think it’s clearly worded and there’s use of double negatives

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…I actually did not know that. whoops.
I’m still unable to get it to work after further tinkering, though. Have you been able to get it to play anything?

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This directory should be better, though not all stations will work



Took a while to find a station that worked, but I found one eventually. Thank you. I’ve updated the main post.

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Hey, me and all my friends have this issues too, exactly like the video shows. I do not understand @goowose reply at all since the issue is clear as day in the video and it play radios OR Workshop sounds.

Hope this gets solved :slight_smile:

The potted plant not being able to play sounds from Workshop is a known issue, it would be best to use Workshop Sound Emitters in the meantime

Just to remind folks once again that it does not support video playback, only live Internet Radio streams

I don’t think the devs have made it clear what the purpose of this item is and how it should be used, which I think is something that should be added to the Official Guide