[] Mini Golf SDK:Running a hole intro camera does not leave previous cameras and probably should?

Summary of bug here.

In the mini golf SDK: If you have a camera IO active then the player’s view remains with that camera until their ball is placed on the start pad. Their view is then switched to facing down the the hole’s fareway. This means that they are stuck in any previous camera view while the hole’s intro camera is playing and do not see the intro camera run. I am not sure if this is expected behavior, however currently there is no real way to force the player’s view out of the last camera IO they entered until their ball is placed on the start pad.

Steps to Reproduce

Build 2 holes.
On hole 1 place a camera IO looking at an object and a camera volume over the hole. Make sure that you have to putt at least twice to enter the hole to prevent the hole in one camera running.
Link the camera IO and the camera volume over the hole. Play the hole and make sure the player’s view switches to the camera IO on putt out.

Build hole 2. This can be just a straight fairway and a start pad, it does not need to have a flag. Place a hole intro camera for hole 2 and adjust the camera’s spline so that it runs down hole 2.
Check the intro camera for hole 2 runs.

Now play hole 1, make sure you putt at least twice to prevent the hole in one camera running. The player’s view will lock onto that of the camera IO once you putt out and you will not see the view from hole 2’s intro camera.

As mentioned I do not know if this is expected behavior, but I feel it would be better if the intro camera forces the exiting of any previously entered camera’s. Either as an ‘it just does this’, or as an option in the intro camera. Intro camera’s don’t have any options currently.

What I expected to happen

Hole intro cameras to force the exiting of any previously entered camera views for the player so that they see the hole into camera view.

What happened

The player’s view is locked into the last entered camera view until their ball is placed on the next hole’s start pad and they do not see that hole’s intro camera.