[] Jetpack continues while in ragdoll

While extremely funny, this is still likely a bug and should be reported.

If a user dies while their jetpack is active (holding spacebar), they will continue to use their jetpack in death. This will continue, even without user input, until they respawn.

How to reproduce:

  1. Hold spacebar while jetpack is equipped
  2. Die in any way while continuing to hold spacebar
  3. Once dead, let go of spacebar (as to not respawn)
  4. Bug will occur

Attached below is a demonstration video.

I believe this was intended to work like this.
Which is kinda fun.


This is intentional.


Glad it’s intentional because it’s really funny.


dude if this got fixed causs of the “still should be reported” I wouldn’t forgive you

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I had a rough feeling that it was intentional. Now that’s been comfirmed, I’m glad. :slight_smile:
Give me more reasons to act like a clown when I enter the Plaza. :clown_face::polar_bear: