[] All the problems you don't see as a Mini Golf SDK host and tester, but do as soon as someone else hosts


These bugs are only apparent on SDK mini golf maps that have been uploaded and you are playing but are not the host. They do not exist if you are the host, nor do they exist in the editor or when testing via tab.

1x1 pieces are very bugged. This hole is made with 1x1 curves, a 2x2 hole and 1x1 shift pieces. See pictures. The 1st is the view from the editor.

The next 2 are playing the game when you are not the host, note all the strange walls and rotated pieces. The walls do not have collison.

This is another example, again editor 1st.

And as a player

Again the walls have no collsion, but should not be there at all.

In the next example the 1x1 pieces before the hole have grown in length and lost the base height values.

Here is another example of 1x1 pieces increasing to 2x1 pieces.

What I expected to happen

1x1 pieces to behave as they do in the editor and when you host the map.

What happened

Right now my course is a non-starter and I will need to rebuild 4 holes.


Could you DM me your map file?


Erm stupid question, how do I attach a zip file to a DM? Could you DM me an email if its not possible?

Nm Found a solution.