[] Canvas Wedges Cannot Be Walked Up (At Default Scale)

Canvas wedges cannot be walked up at the default scale/ratio in

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Place down Canvas Wedge
  2. Attempt to walk up

What I expected to happen

Expected to be able to walk up it

What happened

Instead cannot walk up it. If you jump onto it or run at it with some momentum, you can slide off of it though

EDIT: Temporary fix is to add .01 to the x-scale of all CanvasWedge

I’ve attached a simple script that does exactly this (WARNING: back-up before using!)

import os.path
import struct
import re

def scaleset(match):
    floats = match.group(4)
    scale_x, scale_y, scale_z = struct.unpack('<fff', floats)
    scale_x += 0.01
    out_bytes = struct.pack('<fff', scale_x, scale_y, scale_z)
    return b''.join(match.groups()[:-1]) + out_bytes

def main():
    filename = 'CondoData'
    buf = bytearray(os.path.getsize(filename))
    with open(filename, 'rb') as fd:
    buf = re.sub(br'(CanvasWedge)(.+?)(WorldScale.+?Vector\x00{18})(.{12})', scaleset, buf)
    with open(f'{filename}_output', 'wb') as fd:

if __name__ == '__main__':

This is now fixed in the next hot fix.

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