[] Global Sky Volume does not take effect after exiting a localised Sky Volume

:warning: Important: Please include the version number of the game in the title! (for example: [] Broken Feature).
The latest version is []

Summary of bug here.

If you have two Sky Volumes, one which is set as Global, and another which is not; then the effects defined in the global Sky Volume will not be restored when exiting a localised sky volume, thus it must be edited with the Global slider being toggled off and on at least once.

Possible scenario:-
You have a global Sky Volume that changes the night sky as well as the colour and density of the fog, and you also desire to have a room that has thick distance fog that only appears while inside it.

Steps to Reproduce

Please list how this bug can be reproduced, if possible. Pictures would be much appreciated!

  1. Place two Sky Volumes in different locations, configure both so that they have distinct properties, and set one as Global
  2. Enter and exit the localised Sky Volume

What I expected to happen

The localised Sky Volume to override the effects of the global Sky Volume while within its bounding box.

The global Sky Volume to have its effects restored after exiting the localised Sky Volume.

What happened

The sky effects fall back to default settings (as if there are no Sky Volumes)

Notes / Media

Other misc. notes about the bug. Picture or videos are appreciated!

It may be benefitial to have a Priority system in place, akin to the Post Process Volumes, so that while you’re inside the bounding box of a localised Sky Volume, the global one is overriden/excluded.

This also plays in the sky effects and Sky Volumes possibly being exposed to clientside control, so that the effects are only being modified for oneself and not for everyone else.

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This is now fixed in the next update.

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