[] Greenhouse Roof variation 2 hit detection

The Greenhouse Roof variation 2 has a very large hitbox on the underside, in a space that visually appears to not have anything that a player should collide with. This is easier to see when the model is scaled up.

Approximate visual representation of where the actual collision/hitbox seems to be- the yellow is the outer line of the outer bounds of it and it extends to the top of the roof.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Place a Greenhouse Roof in the Condo.
  2. Edit it to be the 2nd variation (this corner roof).
  3. Attempt to walk into the underside in the corner. Collision will prevent this.

What I expected to happen

The collision would be more in line with what is visually represented by the furniture item.

What happened

The hitbox is extended out much further than it seems it should be.

Notes / Media

Bonus: Z-fighting on the corners of the model. :slight_smile:

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