[] Global Message module connections don't retain text in edit fields

After leaving the connections menu, the text input field when connected to a Global Text module will appear to be blank. If you do not edit the text fields, the text output will still output as expected even on condo reload. Changing the text field in any way however will effectively delete any previously input text.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Place a Global Text module.
  2. Place any interactable object with connections (trigger volume, button, etc.)
  3. Connect the interactable object to the Text module.
  4. Add text into the text box.
  5. Exit the edit prompt, then reenter. The text field will be blank.

Bonus: Text field still outputs correctly but cannot be edited.

What I expected to happen

Text appears in in the input field exactly as input previously for straightforward editing.

What happened

Text fields appear blank within the connections menu after reopening.

Notes / Media

Notably, the character remaining count also disappears until editing the field again.
Possibly this may be a legacy text field adapting to the new Global Text module having a higher character count?

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This was fixed in the recent hot fix.