[] Webms on the media player stopped working after the engine upgrade update

Webms no longer work at all on the media player after the engine upgrade update

Steps to Reproduce

Simply pasting any webm link in the media player and attempting to play it will have the link attempt to play but will only produce a black screen.
Can convert a video to webm here to test, once converted right click the download button and copy link address and paste it in the media player ingame https://video-converter.com/

What I expected to happen

The Webm link should play normally with the usual 3 hours remaining on the webm but it at least worked

What happened

depression from not being able to watch webms in game anymore with my friends :frowning:

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Webms still work for me; I think the problem might be the host you’re streaming it from.
Mediafire works if you aren’t able to host them yourself.


I could kiss you, Mediafire works like charm, thank you, Can just put it down to the site just randomly decided to no longer work with the in game media player.