[] Inaccurate Sort by Cost in coin-based stores

Sorting is usually mostly correct but with some outliers that makes it kinda useless

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Go to coin-based storefront (Anniversary, Ghoulcery, Santa’s Workshop)
  2. “All Items”
  3. Sort by → Cost
  4. Scroll down a bit to find out-of place items

What I expected to happen

Items get sorted correctly; no out-of-place items

What happened

Items are sorted incorrectly; some items are out-of-place e.g a 15-coin item being placed in-between two 8-coin items.

Notes / Media

[] "Sort by Price" No Longer Functions Properly in the Ghoulcery Store [] Some items don't sort by Cost properly when viewing "All Items" in The Ghoulcery Store