[] CO-OP Is so un-useable

Summary of bug here.

All in a friends condo where I have condo admin.

Copy + Pasted a group of items using shift select then alt+click gizmo. Rejoin condo and every single thing that I copied is unaligned and out of place to where I placed it before leaving the condo.

Co-ords are changing for canvas holes etc when I unclick them, they always turn by .XX of a degrees meaning they don’t sit flush with walls.

What I expected to happen

Items to paste and stay in the spot they are placed!

What happened

As Above.

Notes / Media


also here, video is before leaving, picture is after rejoining -.-


Yeah, copying items and scale and whatever else is just. totally broken now… so far it’s been worse than ever before.


Wanted to add to this that it is not limited to co-op condos. This will and does happen for the host as well.

Rotation values will snap to specific numbers like for example if you have something rotated 180 degrees it can sometimes snap to -179.86 or whatever. It’s super frustrating.


So after some testing… The bug happens when using alt+gizmo arrow together to copy and paste a grouped item, the group will stay in the same spot as pasted, despite moving it with the gizmo(Shows to me that its moved but not to host). The only way for it to update on the hosts side, is to ungroup the pasted items and manually move by dragging the co-ords on top right, or copy and pasting them in.

Makes building detailed builds in co-op take 10 years longer as copy+paste is very needed for building anything that isn’t a box .-.