[] Using Item Finder to bulk stash items too quickly crashes the game to desktop

Steps to Reproduce

Have a small number of items in a condo, use Item Finder and spam click to stash them all

What I expected to happen

The normal behavior.

What happened


Notes / Media

Other misc. notes about the bug. Picture or videos are appreciated!

There’s a general issue with stashing in condos that can lead to crashes after entering advanced edit mode; did you enter advanced edit mode during the session, or is this a separate unrelated issue?

No, I did not enter advanced edit mode

Can you submit the crash dump when that prompt comes up and put a note that it was for stashing items? Crash dump will tell us what’s going on here.

Sent the crash dump

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Woops, forgot to reply to this at the time, but this should be fixed in the latest patch.

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