[] condo - condo garden pool does not have collision on walls allowing for out of bounds

The condo garden does not have collision on the walls, which can lead to falling out of bounds.
All sides of the pool wall do not have collision.

A tiny potion makes it easier but even player models that are a little smaller than default can easily clip through.

It seems like this bug may have been in the game for at least 5 years now.

Steps to Reproduce

Try to stand on the wall edges, you will fall through them.
Equip a small potion and strafe against the garden pool wall while looking down and holding forward, you will clip through the wall and fall through the floor.

What I expected to happen

The pool wall having collision that stops me from clipping out of bounds, and allowing me to stand on it.

What happened

I can’t stand on the wall, and I go through it when swimming against it.

Notes / Media

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