[] Various VR-related bugs

In case anything in this is device specific, I’m using a Windows Mixed Reality headset/controllers (Samsung Odyssey+).


  • The “Jump” and “VRMenu” (presumably the wrist menu) SteamVR controls can be bound, but don’t seem to do anything in-game. “Use” and “Run” work fine, however. There also seems to be a bind to open the console, which also does nothing, but doesn’t seem to be intentional.
  • The only controls actually bound properly in the default WMR SteamVR config are “SqueezeLeft/Right” (triggers), “GrabLeft/Right” (grab buttons), and movement/rotation (joysticks). “Use”, “Run”, “Jump”, and “VRMenu” all have to be added to the controller binds manually.
  • Additionally, as the joysticks don’t have any deadzones set by default, your character will move and spin about wildly until you set them in the SteamVR settings.
  • The default “SqueezeLeft” and “SqueezeRight” trigger binds don’t actually seem to do anything other than provide haptic feedback when pressed. Triggers have to be manually set to the “Use” binds to interact with the in-world menu.


  • If you press the “Join Plaza” button in the main menu and the plaza you connect to becomes full before you join, the game will pop up a 2D “Server Full” message (in your left eye), and all the menu options other than “Quit Game” won’t function. There doesn’t seem to be a way to close the “Server Full” dialog other than restarting the game.
  • Wrist menu isn’t testable as its bind isn’t functional.


  • Although your playermodel properly appears headless in the main menu, joining a plaza/condo will make the head grow back.
  • On joining a plaza/condo, there’s a chance for your controllers to grow in size and be offset a distance above your actual controller location. Controller functionality doesn’t seem to be affected.
  • Camera location seems to be higher than intended, around 1.5x typical player height, as the floor height was significantly above the ground.