[] Teleport volumes can't be set

Teleport volumes, one of the new components of Condo IO, appear to never remember or use the user specified Target Position; it always resets all values to 0.0 (Position X/Y/Z, Rotation Y/Z)

Steps to Reproduce

Spawn any Teleport Volume
Click “Set Position” and choose a location
Attempt to enter the teleport volume, with no results
Closing the Edit menu for the Teleport volume and re-opening it reveals the values have been set back to 0.0
Color value does save as expected however.

What I expected to happen

The teleport volume moves my player character to the set position, and the Position values are maintained

What happened

This bug causes Teleport Volumes to not perform any action at all; it won’t teleport players to 0/0/0 either.

Notes / Media

In testing on a co-op condo, it was noticed that after a while, the teleport volume appeared to start working, which lead us to believe it was fine. Attempted testing revealed the issue is still persisting however, after spawning a new volume.

Messing around further, I found that the bug causing stashed condo IO items to spawn back when the condo in seems to also generate working teleport volumes, though they also stop working when modified, and the target location isn’t consistently set

All teleport volume related bugs should be fixed in the next update.

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