[] Selecting instruments (for gizmos or tool glove) freezes notes

If you select an instrument while it’s being played it will freeze the notes being played. This is client-side afaik, so only the person who selected will lose the audio/have notes stuck.

EDIT: If the host is the one playing, notes will resume after unselecting, but if you’re a guest playing you will no longer have any notes you play be audible despite being able to hear them on your end. If you’re a guest I believe it also triggers this bug.

Steps to Reproduce

Have someone play piano or drums. While they are playing hold Q and select the instrument to open the gizmo/transform window thingy, or select the item with the Tool Glove.

What I expected to happen

The notes to either not freeze and keep playing, or have them freeze but cancel any active notes/end the sustained state.

What happened

The notes would freeze at what they were doing when you selected it, which in the case of the piano causes notes to be stuck sustained.

Notes / Media

Guest selecting instruments being played by host

Host selecting instruments being played by guest

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