[] Right click with Magic Trampoline can deactivate jetpack while keeping jetpack air strafing

Sometimes when you use the right click directional bounce with the Magic Trampoline while using a jetpack your jetpack will stop working. So you won’t be gaining height, but the jetpack trail/wing flapping will continue and you’ll still have the jetpack air strafing.

Steps to Reproduce

Fly around with the jetpack for a while, just holding jump the entire time. While doing so, try to use the right click bounce with the Magic Trampoline. If you do it enough you’ll probably experience this.

What I expected to happen

The right click bounce to move me the direction I’m looking while keeping the jetpack on 100% of the time.

What happened

Like 20% of the time it seems it’ll kill the jetpack causing you to descend despite the jetpack still going visually and audibly. Once you land this also will disable the Source-like air strafing, preventing bunnyhopping until you reactivate/deactivate the jetpack again or reset your character some other way.

Notes / Media

I was going to add this as a reply to this bug because it’s a similar issue, but this is way easier to reproduce and there doesn’t seem to be any server-client desync going on with this one, jetpack air strafing just remains active on both ends.

Like with the other bug, it can be corrected just by reactivating the jetpack again.

I originally noticed this when running in Proton, which is what the first video is, and the second one is me making sure it was reproduceable on Windows and not some weird Proton specific input bug or something. The Windows video will also have an input display incase that helps.