[] Multiple Item Stacks?

I recently started playing this game for about two days ago and this been bothering me ever since is that I have multiple copy of items in my inventory I can’t sell the trophies even after I’ve place all trophies in my condo and every time I try to sell any potions I keep getting a fail to sell error; Any ideas?

Note: I’ve only bought one of each potion.

I have the same issue, but are you able to place them down?

I don’t think there’s a way to undo it yourself, mac might be able to reset your account for your though. But for now, enjoy it, you got 2 of everything

I don’t deserve an entire account reset; I didn’t purposely do this I just recently started three days ago after my GMT transfer I went to go buy the jet pack and potions with some headphones and shades for my character but every time I tried to It said “Transaction failed” after waiting I kept trying then after a while I crashed then when I got back on I see multiple copy of said items and my trophies I was able to sell one of each potion but now I can’t sell anymore. This bug or whatever is really bothering my OCD.