[] Can't play properly with dual screen

Alright so I have two monitors, one to play the game and the other has my desktop/skype. When playing if I move my mouse too far over it will go onto the other screen, the game will still pick up my mouse movements and moves but if I click it will cause the game to act as if I tabbed out. I’m not really sure if I’m explaining this right but after trying all three window modes nothing seemed to fix the issue.

Basically the mouse is not locking into the game if you use dual monitors. :tired_face:

The only thing that fixes it is to completely disable dual screen.



I have a triple monitor display and I’m not experiencing this bug. You can click off screen when you’re paused or have the inventory menu up, but looking around and clicking whilst in the player control state functions as normal for me. Is there any specific scenarios where this occurs?

I was having this issue often when I was playing Virus since it requires me to move my mouse from side to side and click quite a bit. I can try to capture footage of what it does with my phone if needed! :open_mouth:

Are you sure you don’t accidentally have the edge of a window from your second monitor on your first monitor or something? I had a rainmeter meter on the edge of my primary monitor once and it kept doing what you seemed to describe.

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I just played a few rounds of virus and couldn’t replicate what you described. What are your machine specs?

I encountered this bug also. Could you please inform me if you’re running Tower Unite in Full Screen mode or in Borderless Full screen mode?

Also please inform me if you were sharing your desktop at the time via Skype.

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I can get my specs once I get home from work, (That being said is there is a website or program someone would recommend using to get all my system specs? I was going to use one but it requires you to download something and I wasn’t sure if it was trustworthy.)

Also @Rhendak I was initially running it in borderless full screen when I first experienced the issue, then I switched it to full screen mode to see if that would fix the issue which it did not. And nope, I wasn’t sharing my desktop on Skype. I just had it open to respond to messages. :flushed:

I’m going to fiddle around with this bug a bit when I get home again on Monday. I’ve noticed this myself too but I can’t exactly pinpoint when it happens… So I’ll try to figure that out and if I can manage I’ll add it to the list of reported bugs

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