[] Condo Items Showing in Inventory While in Plaza

Whenever I am in the plaza, these items appear in my inventory, even though I feel they shouldn’t. Also, I have duplicates of my jetpack and confetti gun, but when I try and sell one, BOTH disappear from my inventory. I would just like to note for these to be fixed, please.

[EDIT]: As of, I still get this issue.

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MacDGuy said this is fixed in the next update on a different thread.

is the confetti gun supposed to work in the plaza? because i couldn’t use it :cry:

The confetti gun is marked as an unfinished item, so I would assume it’s among the buggiest items around so far.

Well, as of, it’s still not fixed.

I’m only here to tell you what the devs said, I don’t actually fix anything.

Thank you for reporting this bug. I was able to reproduce this bug and I’ve added it to my list of reported bugs

Any update on this ?

None so far, but if it gets fixed I’ll update it in the list of reported bugs. Fixed bugs will have a strikethrough text and say in what version it got fixed in front of it.