When is the next update?

As some people may know, i make update videos of TU on my channel, but i am on a sort of holiday for the week ( no details, let’s just say i’m cutting grass) and that means i cannot make any videos or play any games until somewhere around sunday.

Anyways, i’m wondering if there’s any possible date known already for a new update.

There is currently no date to announce.


I’m guessing for around end of the month

when it’s ready™

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i think you should update the game with new things how much do you have, dont publish all at once.
Updates don’t have to be big things. It would be nice to play new things to soon.

We can’t ship this update without fixing several major bugs, which is why it’s been taking a lot longer than most updates. We updated Unreal engine versions, which means the entire engine that the game runs on had major changes that we have to fix. We also can’t release just a piece of the update, the whole thing has to come out at once.


Oh okay, thanks for info, good luck dude

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Aww it still came out

Oh well, late update video then…