What makes the Virus guns different? (Also pistols)

Because many of them feel the same IMO
The shotguns don’t have this problem, but automatic weapons and pistols all feel same-ish (with the flak being a rare exception)
The plasma’s and sonic’s secondaries don’t even help that much, as both are more of an alternate firemode than a really incorporated mechanic
And what’s the point of pistols? The player always has at least one auto and one shotgun in their disposal, taking away any of the pistols’ possible functions (that being either a secondary weapon or a “no ammo” gun)

Weirdly enough, I use pistols more than pretty much everything besides shotguns. I’m not sure what the auto weapons damages are, but I know that the handgun does 20 damage per hit. For me, it’s extremely satisfying hitting a shot with a pistol compared to an auto rifle where you’re shooting a ton of bullets per second. I guess my answer is: preference.