What is your top 5 game play hours on Steam?

My top 5 games are:

  1. DOTA 2: 1,459 Hours
  2. Grand Theft Auto V: 286 hours
  3. Killing Floor 1: 232 Hours
  4. Garry’s Mod: 218 hours (Mainly playing GMTower)
  5. Warframe: 136 hours (Though I haven’t played it in ages)

My game that is gaining hours rather rapidly currently is Rocket League which has 44 hours currently (its really fun and I highly recommend it) :smile:

Just my Steam games though. I’ve got thousands upon thousands in World of Warcraft :laughing:

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Team Fortress 2: 1,558 hrs on record

This was the first game I have ever acquired on Steam. I didn’t purchase anything else for a while and just played the hell out of TF2. Although I made short hiatuses to play other games, I always came back to it. Although I don’t agree with many of its content updates and changes, it’s often my go-to game.

Garry’s Mod: 198 hrs on record

What pulled me into Gmod wasn’t the wide arrange of mods and gamemodes, but the ability to make stop-motion films on it. Years before Source Filmmaker officially came out, I would spend hours making short, jaggy and stupid stop motion films. I believe some of them are still up on YouTube. I don’t play much today.

Sid Meier’s Civilization V: 115 hrs on record

It’s Civ 5, what is there to say? The “Just one more turn” feeling enchants me every time I play it yet I seldom complete games I’ve begun. I started taking a break from playing it though, should really come back.

Tabletop Simulator: 83 hrs on record

This is the game that drove me to buy, play and enjoy board games. I bought this while it was on the earliest stage of Early Access. I have created some mods for it, been in touch with the devs and generally playing board games with the friendly community.

Portal 2: 83 hrs on record

Besides replaying P2 multiple times, I was also active in its modding scene (rather, level creation scene). I was fairly active in the P2 modding scene and even contributed to Portal Stories: Mel back in 2011. Unfortunately the level I created isn’t in there.

Borderlands 2: 59 hrs on record

This is how long it took me and a friend I met online to beat Borderlands 2 and some of its DLC. Frankly I thought the game was repetitive and quite dull at certain parts, but my buddy pushed me onwards and I slowly learned to like the game. I didn’t play it very much since we beat it.

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Team Fortress 2 with 1,655 hours (most played, duh).
Garry’s Mod with 804 hours
Payday 2 with 379 hours
Dota 2 with 105 hours
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 97 hours.

I really need to play more

  1. Garry’s Mod - 1,735 Hours
  2. Terraria - 271 Hours
  3. Team Fortress 2 - 191 Hours
  4. Dark Souls II - 179 Hours
  5. Call of Duty: Black Ops II Multiplayer - 176 Hours

[quote=“Drachen, post:22, topic:1839”]
I’ve got thousands upon thousands in World of Warcraft :laughing:

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  1. Garry’s Mod - 15485 Hours
  2. Team Fortress - 6958 Hours
  3. Call of Duty: Black Ops II MultiPlayer - 5869 Hours
  4. PayDay 2 - 3482 Hours
  5. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - 2996 Hours

Gmod - 4342
Team Fortress 2 - 1934
Prototype - 1,039 (The fuck, how did it get this high)
Unreal Tournament 3: Black Edition - 666.6
Left 4 Dead 2 - 574

Your top five amounts to a tiny bit under 4 years playing video games alone.
What job do you have that allows you this much time

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  1. Garry’s Mod - 527 hrs.
  2. Half Life 2 - 414 hrs.
  3. CS:GO - 265 hrs.
  4. Terraria - 192 hrs.
  5. Bioshock Infinite - 124 hrs.

the reason i have so many hours in Bioshock Infinite is cause i worked on a big columbia minecraft recreation project a year or two ago.

i have 100+ hours in Tera, also, but i play it on the non-Steam client so it doesn’t track my hours on Steam.

1 Team Fortress 2 - 520 hrs
2 Terraria - 343 hrs
3 Garry’s Mod - 271 hrs
4 Kerbal Space Program - 164 (Wait, really? This made it into my top five? Well, I approve.)
5 (Unofficially) Trove - 88 hrs + However much I played in the beta
5 (Officially) Realm of the Mad God - 131 hrs

1 CS:GO - 1,760hours. Probably more on other accounts
2. Garry’s Mod - 1,685hours. Mostly Cinema, UCH and GMT
3.Grand Theft Auto V - 248hours General shenanigans
4. RIFT - 199hours. it stopped working on steam i have more than that
5. Terraria - 111hours I don’t even know, i used to play the shit out of it.

I suck :cry:

  1. Garry’s Mod: 2,696 hrs
  2. Arma3: 156 hrs
  3. CS:GO: 146 hrs
  4. Call of Duty: World at War: 35 hrs
  5. Rocket League: 33 hrs
  1. Garry’s Mod: 2,418 hrs
  2. TF2: 986 hrs
  3. CSN:Z: 285 hrs
  4. AdVenture Capitalist: 119 hrs
  5. Modular Combat: 40 hrs

This is STEAM-ONLY info.

If we include overall info,

I have more time on:
CSN:Z | CSO (~ +200-300 HRS)
Starbound (~ +10 HRS)
TES5: Skyrim (~ +25 HRS)
HL2DM (~ +40 HRS)
Ace Of Spades (~ +10 HRS)
Hero Siege (~ +10 HRS)
HL1 (~ +2000 HRS | +200 HRS more if we add expansions; +600 HRS more if we add mods)
Mirror’s Edge (~ +5 HRS)
CSS (~ +200 HRS)
Enclave (~ +6 HRS)
HL2 (~ +5 HRS)

My profile


Forgot I had Pirated GMOD at some point.

Garry’s Mod (~ +300-400 HRS)

this is pretty weak but

  1. Garry’s Mod: 462 hours
  2. Team Fortress 2: 359 hours
  3. Left 4 Dead 2: 43 hours
  4. Portal 2: 42 hours
  5. Starbound: 40 hours
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  1. Garry’s Mod: 282 hours
  2. Team Fortress 2: 60 hours
  3. Sonic Adventure 2: 41 hours
  4. Sonic Adventure DX: 27 hours
  5. Terraria: 22 hours

Had my profile for about 2 years and these are probably my top 5 games (on Steam).
Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Masked_Katz/ (Just don’t judge my profile pic, alright?)

Team Fortress 2!
Garrys Mod!
Left 4 Dead 2!
Happy Wars!

My Top 5:

  1. Team Fortress 2: 1,860 Hours (not counting the 1,680 hours played on my original account. although I swear I played more than that over the course of three or more years.)
  2. Warframe: 460 Hours
  3. Source Filmmaker: 323 Hours (Not technically a game, but I still count it)
  4. Garry’s Mod: 295 Hours (Most of which of course is Gmod Tower)
  5. Spiral Knights: 277 Hours

Garry’s Mod - 544 Hours on Record
Blockland - 232 Hours
Clicker Heroes - 227 Hours
Terraria - 139 Hours
CS:S - 129 Hours

CS:CZ is actually my 3rd most played with 172 hours. But its only that high because when I closed the game it didn’t actually close until I turned off my PC 4 days later. So the hours are glitched.

I have 1228 games on steam so I’m always playing different games, Hence why my top hour game is only 544 hours.