Virus map idea - Abandoned department store?

We already have a hospital and soon a subway system, so why not an abandoned department store? I think you could do some neat things with it. It would look like a bunch of people attempted to turn it into a stronghold, but got overwhelmed, and the actual game takes place sometime after this event.

Sorry if this is a terrible idea.

Fun fact: I came up with this idea from a nightmare I had. Kinda fitting actually.


NOT AT ALL, This is actually a really cool idea. Imagine the meat freezer area, or behind the bakery, or the back end with all the stock broken into as a food resource. The shelves could be overturned or broken, meaning that we can have pretty much any level design in the actual grocery department as long as it can be made out of shelves.

I think this is fantastic.


we all have nightmares in old god forgotten stores