



This card has no description.


[ul][li]Added the ability to walk with the ALT key (rebindable) in Lobby[/li][li]Sweet Tooth: Players should no longer get stuck on the blue wall that moves up and down on holes 18, 6, and 9.[/li][li]Sweet Tooth: Reduced the light-map data on Sweet Tooth, which will take up less hard drive space and slightly increase load times and performance.[/li][li]Virus: Added better hit feedback to crosshair[/li][li]Laser Tag: Added better hit feedback and tagged out feedback to crosshair[/li][li]Laser Tag: Improved HUD and eliminated HUD events[/li][li]Adjusted Game World payouts: 80% average increase[/li][li]Adjusted Plaza games payouts: 60% average increase[/li][li]Adjusted Grey Carpet texture for Condos to use new tiling carpet texture because we totally didn’t lose the old one or anything[/li][li]Store UI was updated slightly. Stores that do not have preview pedestals will appear in the center of the screen[/li][li]Vault Door now has sounds[/li][li]New Plaza server browser. Now displays all Plaza servers by region and will display all official servers always[/li][li]Updated friend list UI. Replaced the drop down context with an easier dropdown[/li][li]Added a joining UI message when joining servers from Steam[/li][li]Improved joining servers from Steam friends[/li][li]Added Steam friends section to the Lobby/Condo scoreboard[/li][li]Potato Gun projectile potatoes don’t remove as often while in the air[/li][li]Condo physics items now collide with players (you can kick things around)[/li][li]Potato Gun projectile potatoes now collide with Basketballs and other Condo physics items[/li][li]Condo canvas surfaces (walls, ceilings, etc.) no longer have a canvas bump map applied to them and are clean and are now simply the URL image[/li][li]Potato Gun projectile potatoes now properly bounce on Trampolines[/li][li]Trampoline is now colorable[/li][li]Players (who are not the host) can now move their own spawned items in the Item Playground[/li][li]Placeable inventory tab no longer shows up while in Item Playground (because you can’t place those items down anyways)[/li][li]Flashlight is now disabled while in the Casino[/li][li]Condos now ask before overwriting an existing snapshot[/li][li]Flying Turtle is no longer visible in first person[/li][li]Payouts Added: Bowling - 4th Place and Below[/li][li]Payouts Added: Trivia - 4th Place and Below[/li][li]Payouts Added: Trivia - All Questions Correct[/li][li]Payouts Added: Typing Derby - 4th Place and Below[/li][li]Payouts Added: Typing Derby - Perfect (100 word combo)[/li][li]Payouts Added: Virus - 4th Place and Below[/li][li]Payouts Added: Ball Race - 4th Place and Below[/li][li]Payouts Adjusted: Virus - Biohazard minimum players required reduced to 2 from 3[/li][li]Payouts Adjusted: Ball Race - Collected Melons max increased from 20 to 40[/li][/ul]

Bug Fixes

[ul][li]Khromidro: Fixed kill volumes sometimes not activating when falling off the level.[/li][li]Sweet Tooth: Reduced the chances of being flung out of the spiral turn in hole 16.[/li][li]Sweet Tooth: Fixed an issue where players can get stuck next to the booster pad in hole 16.[/li][li]Sweet Tooth: Fixed an issue where players could land on the candy lily-pads and get stuck.[/li][li]Laser Tag: Fixed scoreboard not displaying[/li][li]Suite: Fixed sunlight leaking through walls[/li][li]Condo: Improved light attenuation radii[/li][li]Sweet Tooth: Fixed an issue where players would sometimes get stuck floating above the final hole in hole 18.[/li][li]Sweet Tooth: Reduced the chances of phasing through the giant mixer in hole 15.[/li][li]Alpine: Fixed moving walls disappearing on low draw distance settings on Hole 15[/li][li]Subway: Fixed camping spot near the rear stairs[/li][li]Amphitheatre & Market: Fixed some camping spots reported by players.[/li][li]Minigolf: Altitude Hole 18 is now a lot more predictable, which should mean less players randomly falling off the level.[/li][li]You can no longer click on your own profile on the scoreboard or chat[/li][li]Fixed a bug where flying pets (Flying Turtle) would not always appear[/li][li]Fixed Firework UFO not taking off well[/li][li]Fixed small collision issues with Victorian Couch Chair, Toy Train, and Race Car Bed[/li][li]Fixed “Trash” showing up twice on inventory tool tips for items in the trash state[/li][li]Fixed Golden Watch item not making crabs fully golden[/li][li]Fixed a bug where you could sell items that were in the trash state[/li][li]Fixed a bug with the Item Playground editor closing wrongly after setting the filter[/li][li]Fixed a bug where the hit notifications (like the ones used in Laser Tag and Virus) would play while in Little Crusaders[/li][/ul]

Before Ship

[ul][li]Build[/li][li]Test[/li][li]Write changelog[/li][li]Deploy[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]A new checklist named “Changes” has been added to the card.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]A new checklist named “Before Ship” has been added to the card.[/li][/ul]


Patch looks good so far!


Walk with ALT key? What?


oh damn

It will likely be slower movement speed, in case you don’t want to jog/run everywhere.


woo boi


[ul][li]“Condo: Improved light attenuation radii” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.[/li][li]“Suite: Fixed sunlight leaking through walls” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.[/li][li]“Sweet Tooth: Reduced the light-map data on Sweet Tooth, which will take up less hard drive space and slightly increase load times and performance.” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.[/li][li]“Sweet Tooth: Players should no longer get stuck on the blue wall that moves up and down on holes 18, 6, and 9.” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.[/li][li]“Sweet Tooth: Reduced the chances of being flung out of the spiral turn in hole 16.” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.[/li][li]“Sweet Tooth: Fixed an issue where players could land on the candy lily-pads and get stuck.” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.[/li][li]“Sweet Tooth: Fixed an issue where players can get stuck next to the booster pad in hole 16.” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.[/li][li]“Added the ability to walk with the ALT key (rebindable) in Lobby” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.[/li][li]“Laser Tag: Improved HUD and eliminated HUD events” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.[/li][li]“Laser Tag: Added better hit feedback and tagged out feedback to crosshair” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.[/li][li]“Laser Tag: Fixed scoreboard not displaying” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.[/li][li]“Khromidro: Fixed kill volumes sometimes not activating when falling off the level.” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“Sweet Tooth: Fixed an issue where players would sometimes get stuck floating above the final hole in hole 18.” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“Sweet Tooth: Reduced the chances of phasing through the giant mixer in hole 15.” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“Alpine: Fixed moving walls disappearing on low draw distance settings on Hole 15” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“Subway: Fixed camping spot near the rear stairs” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.[/li][/ul]


Do I get 1,600 units from a hole in one now?


If that becomes a thing, oh boy, time for garden marathon for the next 4 hours.


How much is a hole in one worth right now? i haven’t played Minigolf in a while.

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800 units



more like 900 because you have the “thanks for playing” income :wink:


It’s how Hole in One is worth, not total payout for a level.

80% out of 900 is 720, 80% out of 800 is 640. I’m not sure if Thanks for Playing bonus will be touched, but I’m sure this would make a difference.