TU Pianer & Sheet Music Pack

I just want to point out that the TU pianer is made by Reimu, who is also the owner of the dropbox OP is linking to.
Therefore, Reimu must have removed the TU pianer from their dropbox, which OP, if they wanted to, cannot do anything about. Unless, of cause, some one were to reupload the program somewhere.
But without permission from Reimu, that would be disrespectful as there must be a reason it was taken down in the first place.

I can add that I am still maintaining and improving my autoplayer over at my thread. However, it is not as easy to use as TU pianer and can, as of now, not load midi files.

I just recently made it able to support black notes, which we have tried to do for about a year now. So now we will be able to automate the full potential of the piano :wink:

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