Transfer was Unsuccessful (GMT Transfer)

It says I am eligible for transfer but when I click it it takes awhile to load and then just says “Transfer was unsuccessful.” Any help?

While I myself can’t fix your issue, you might want to check if you’re banned from GMT and also include your Steam Community URL here so the developers know the account which is having the issue.

You might just wait a little bit and then try again. It could just be a problem with Steam’s servers. - - My Steam URL

I never got banned on GMT or done anything wrong. And the website says I am eligible but it just doesnt succeed in transferring. I’ve slept since I posted this and tried again and it still is doing it.

Last I heard you’ll need to have at least one Unit in Tower Unite for the transfer to work. Have you tried transferring after obtaining some Units?

Yes I have, I have been playing while trying to transfer every once in awhile.

I believe I have found the issue. Try doing your transfer again now.

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