The (very late) Introduction!

Hello Everyone! My name is c00ldud3, and I decided to make an introduction for myself. And yes, I know it’s pretty late, but let’s get started!
I started GMT somewhere between 2013 and 2014 after I watched it on YouTube. If you couldn’t tell, I loved it! Around 2014 I stopped playing because of computer problems. I came back in 2015 to see lobby 2. I thought it was pretty good. I thought TU was a great idea so I bought it on the day it came out and played it ever since.

I am very glad to be apart of this community and can’t wait to see it blossom into a full game. Until then, I’ll waste my cash on Wheel of Money!

Quick side note: I mostly browse/talk on the forums using my phone, so grammar may not always be the best.


Welcome to the Forums! Enjoy your stay here! :raising_hand:

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You’re not that late. It took me about 3/4 of a year to do my introduction (I was a regular at that point), and there have been people who have waited even longer than I!

Anyways, welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay! :raising_hand:


Welcome to the community! :raising_hand:

Hey @C00LDUD3, i’m PatrykPL24 but you can call me @PatrykPL24

Welcome to the tower and forums C00LDUD3. :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forums!

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