The unused PVP Battle: meadows map

I was looking if I could still find a copy of gmt_pvp_meadows01.bsp and I found an archive of all the old content, however it wasn’t being seeded.

My reasoning to why I really want this map is because it felt like a really relaxing environment and I’d love to use it for a server I’m making.

I’m kinda saddened about how all the gamemode maps were taken off the workshop. They were lovely maps to play in outside the main gamemode and now it feels like I have to scavenge the Internet to find a rare copy of them.

Anyway, I really only want the meadows map. It reminds me of Falz Memoria from Phantasy Star Online 2! :slight_smile:



Looking around the forums, I found this but it seems to be unavailiable to me.

Edit: I checked on the way back machine and the map I was looking for wasn’t there

Is it also gmt_pvp_meadow01? I found the map in my GMod.
Edit: I found this image on this website:


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Whoops, I mispelled it. That is the map I’m looking for! ^^ It’s probably part of the GMod Tower addons which is what im looking for… They’re in the garrysmod/addons/ folder but I feel bad for asking you if you could give them to me.

Eeech, they used to be downloadable from the workshop. I feel like I should give you something in return if you upload and send me the .gma files?

Alright. I have messaged you the file.