The Unitcard

The Unitcard could be very useful!
Want that Dream Jetpack and can pay it off with a few units after a quick game?WE GOT YOU COVERED! but at a limit
if you dont pay within 1 month or 1 week then the card will break and put you on the limit and forcing you to pay back the units,but who would do that am i right?! :sweat_smile:
mabye me :disappointed_relieved:
There are 3 styles:
and Limited
This could be very useful in many cases so make your own ideas!
Any questions just reply!


Yeah, seriously. This is so pointless.


They are planning tohave the deliver thing when the new website comes.

I thought the idea of a credit card was okay. It would help me get new condos earlier and also test out new condo items before getting the full price for them.


Just like a way to store your units somewhere right ? hum…
And just like GTA 5 you have your units “in your pockets” and if you want to store or take your units stored, you use your credit card, just like in real life too.

Could be useful, without being too much sure. :confused: