The Nature Hut [shop idea]

For a long time now I’ve wanted to add different types of trees and plants to my condo, mainly palm trees and other tropical plants.

It would be awesome if you could create some sort of Nature Hut which sells items such as:
tiki furniture items (tiki statue, outdoor hut, tiki chairs, stools, tables, etc.)
wooden outdoor furniture (fences, beams, swing bench, etc.)
other outdoor furniture (stepping stones, grass floors, stone floors, waterfalls, etc.)
and of course the plants themselves (palm trees and other types, bushes, plants, single flowers, etc.)

I think I might’ve suggested this before but it’s just something I would appreciate being added to the game and I know a lot of other creators would appreciate it too.,%20CA%20(Sperical%20Panorama).jpg


This seems like a good idea and fits in pretty well with the tower setting.

This would also help some smooth dirt condos.

yes please, i just got an idea to build a house in the middle of a beautiful maple forest on smooth dirt

I know its been 180 days. But congrats. A nature shop is being added to TU

Thanks! Glad I suggested it now :smiley:

Hate to break it to you but a nature store was originally planned to be in Gmod tower a couple years ago but they never got around to adding it. So, this has already been planned for a long time.

Oh no my heart is now broken. I really don’t care what the origins are lmao

Oh yeah, I figured. Didn’t mean to shit on your suggestion. Was just saying. Hell, your suggestion may well have been the reason they decided to implement it now.