Since so many Discord users and passerbys in the US Dallas server’s casino got involved in my journey, I figured I’d make a thread chronicling as much of the adventure as I can reasonably fit into a single thread. Thank you to the wonderful program ShareX or else I couldn’t date this so accurately.
Anyways… Onward with the tale!~
Sunday the 18th
My first dated screenshot was on Sept. 18th, at 1:21:22AM. It was of this spin of a dead center Nothing… I don’t know what I was pointing out but alright.
2:00:00AM - The earliest screenshot I have of the jackpot. A tiny baby jackpot at just 60,021.
3:49:12AM - My little baby balance of just 15,075 units
5:44:56AM - Something something satan
6:48:12AM - I am convinced that this is the closest you can get without actually getting the jackpot…
8:25:12AM/8:25:24AM - The last two screenshots I took of this session. One of the jackpot and one of my balance.
6:08:27PM - The jackpot is still under 100k at just 73,005
6:11:07PM - I passed 100k units!
7:20:45PM - The jackpot is over 100k!.
Monday the 19th
2:17:35AM - Jackpot is at a nice 112k. We’re making progress!
4:58:40PM - Jackpot hit the legendary 123,456 credits.
6:17:16PM - Someone took my machine
Tuesday the 20th
1:55:47AM - I got my machine back, jackpot is now at 140,004
3:26:20AM - Biiiiig triple spin
After sleep, Tuesday evening
8:10:24PM - Jackpot is now at 161,392
Wednesday the 21st
5:04:00AM - 175k!
5:47:58AM - Not related to the journey that much, but the wonderful @bromhamsam won a MASSIVE 1.5 million unit jackpot on Triple Diamonds that they worked at for quite some time.
7:19:00AM - Here’s a competitor for the longest session I’ve had in any game ever.
7:37:52AM - 180k!
After sleep, Wednesday evening
6:11:06PM - It was honestly pretty interesting to be greeted pretty much as the embodiment of determination.
8:03:43PM - My balance has grown quite a bit, all the way to 420,945
9:54:14PM - 190k!
Thursday the 22nd
4:04:32AM - 200k!!!
People occupied the machine for most of the day…
Some sleep and other activities later, because I decided to take a day off because of how busy my machine was
Friday the 23rd
3:39:35PM - Slick number that is… 277,777
9:08:41PM - Still chugging along, at 290,010
Saturday the 24th
12:56:23AM - Remember what I said about the competitor for the longest session? I think this is my longest game session in any game ever.
9:04:05AM - 314,160! I remember I wanted to get the number as close to Pi as I could get, but I blew it
Sunday the 25th
9:03:50AM - Another lengthy session. These have become commonplace…
Some sleep later, Sunday night
10:26:41PM - The legendary 404(k)!
Monday the 26th
1:32:32AM - My balance and all that. Just passed 1 million units.
Bonus chat jackpot - My boi zyre grabbin’ that 143,895
6:00:27AM - Empty server, 418,355 jackpot
7:55:32AM - Aw ye
Insert sleep here
Tuesday the 27th
1:01:044AM - 450k!
Wednesday the 28th
3:03:06AM - THE LEGENDARY 500K
4:04:28AM - 550!k
OVERALL I won almost 1.7 million units from the Wheel of Money payouts themselves, and then a massive 8.3 million units from the jackpot itself!
Fun edit: After some intense maths, I have come up with the estimate that I played on that machine for anywhere between 120-150 hours in 12 days. That’s almost half the possible time in those 12 days!