Suburban's Workshop Concept Things

So I fancy myself an artist, I guess. And I have some ideas for Tower Unite weapons, hats, and furniture. Waaaay too much furniture. This is wear I plan on dumping all of my concepts.

Here’s the thing though. I can’t actually 3D model. So it’s very unlikely that any of these things will ever make it to the Workshop, even though I fully intend on figuring out how to model stuff as soon as I have the time. But for now, all I can do is make pretty pictures of things I want in the game.

In the mean time, if there’s something that you actually want to make a model of, that would be pretty freakin’ awesome and I would greatly appreciate it. :blush:

With that, let’s get to all the stuff. As I mentioned in the title, all of these are CONCEPTS. If they do get into the Workshop at some point, they are subject to change.

The Neckslicer

A katana-chainsaw hybrid.

@Arctiq actually offered to model this one for me!

More will be added in the future!


Update 1:


Gave it a go myself, minus the catsack and proper texturing.

It’s like a katana, but with none of its benefits.


Thanks for doing my job for me.

So I am currently in the process of designing a a Black Death themed pepperbox pistol, called the Nostradamus. I have two ideas for where I can place the plague doctor mask on the gun, and I’d appreciate it if you guys help me decide which one would look better.

Obviously, these are still very rough sketches, some lines are missing and such, so keep that in mind please :slightly_smiling:

A: On the front, facing forward.

B: As the grip, with the beak pointing down and the eyes facing the holder.

  • A
  • B
  • Somewhere Else

0 voters

Why not make the tip of the mask a blade for pistol whipping applications or what ever else you may need