Says steam is offline,but it's online!

Every time I attempt to open Tower Unite,it wont let me. When it loads it displays the following message: “Your status in steam is currently offline. All game functionality is unavailable under these circumstances. Please make sure your internet connection and steam connection are active.” I checked my steam status and internet status. They were both active! I’ll show a screenshot.

Please fix this! I really want to play Tower Unite. It is a great game. I beg you,fix it! My internet is also active in that screenshot. Thanks for reading.


This isn’t a bug, so I’m moving this out.

Make sure you aren’t running multiple iterations of the game in the background, check task manager. If that fails, try restarting your computer.

Doesn’t Steam have separate servers for inventory/other TU required data? If so, then those particular servers could have been down without interrupting other Steam systems. Though I’m not sure if the error message appears in this circumstance…

Listen here. I have done BOTH of those things. I have restarted my computer too. It IS a bug. I’m confused!

Make sure your firewall isn’t blocking steam connections. This is most likely an issue with your internet connection.

Again, make sure you’ve checked task manager and made sure there are no left behind processes of Tower running, restart steam, or restart the computer.

I will check this tomorrow and tell you whether or not the firewall thing works. Thanks for helping me out.

I checked my firewall and it allows steam connection. I am so confused…

Checked your router ports? Could be that you have to portforward some of the necessary Steam ports.

Im still confused because when i FIRST got the game it didn’t happen. And I dont know how to check my router ports.

Tried completely disabling your firewall just so you’re 100% sure that it’s not the problem here?

@Florensie yes I’ll try thatright now.

@Florensie it didn’t work!

Ok,I’m going to try validating the game files,and if that does not work I’m re-installing the game.


This did not happen to me

Oh. After restarting after the re-install it worked. XD

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Ok. Lets hope the best of luck for you!

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