Response_code overview

Hi everyone,

Came across this yesterday while looking for open source trivia questions for an application I’m planning.

The API is great and has everything I need to get started.

Could you clarify all the response_code values you provide with a brief meaning so that I can handle them accordingly?


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Code 0: Success Returned results successfully.
Code 1: No Results Could not return results. The API doesn’t have enough questions for your query. (Ex. Asking for 50 Questions in a Category that only has 20.)
Code 2: Invalid Parameter Contains an invalid parameter. Arguements passed in aren’t valid. (Ex. Amount = Five)
Code 3: Token Not Found Session Token does not exist.
Code 4: Token Empty Session Token has returned all possible questions for the specified query. Resetting the Token is necessary.

Additional documentation is available here:


Perfect, thank you