PVP Battle Chainsaw Recreation

So a couple of days ago I recreated the chainsaw from PVP battle in sandbox using the GMTower assets. Here’s a timelapse of it and a quick showcase:

It took about 3 hours to do since I really didn’t expect some things, for example, the vibrating idle animation was actually done in lua, all the animations are under names I didn’t expect and the idle sound didn’t loop correctly (and it sounded different, at least I think it did)

I plan on recreating all the PVP battle weapons and sticking them up on steam workshop when they’re done, provided the devs have no problem with me reuploading some of the GMT content.



We don’t really want people recreating our weapons and putting them on workshop.

I don’t really see the harm as long as its not going towards an unofficial GMT recreation and it’s just for the sake of a recreation challenge.

Putting it on the workshop is probably a no-no, still.


I still don’t really see why the Milk Carton was allowed though, since it’s essentially the same thing (minus the whole re-scripting the weapon part)

If GMT SWeps aren’t allowed on the Workshop, you all may want to take a look at this…


Someone’s already made a “Tribute Pack” of 22 GMT SWeps, from PvP Battle and Virus.