Prism Blocks don't appear

Yellow should appear, then Blue, then Purple then red. at the moment it’s Red and Blue. Something seems wrong.

Were both buttons pressed? Each button only activates a couple of the colours needed to progress.

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I pressed the button. And in this one, all colours appears when button is pressed.

Edit: Noticed something. False alarm.

No, there are certainly two buttons to press. Notice in your screenshots that there are two paths to take: the lefthand one with rectangular prisms as the path, and the righthand one with smaller cubes as the path. There should be a button at the end of either path, and pressing both buttons should activate all necessary colours in the center.

Yeah, I honestly thought that was a bug when I first saw that level. But then I figured it out, and this might be one of my favorite BR levels (even though its a bit strict on time)

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