Practise mode

some sort of mode where you can practise ONE PARTICULAR stage of golf or monkey ball (idk what its called xD). The only thing i can compare this to is a COD or csgo private match, if you want the next stage then all players can vote to swap forwards and backwards through the stages.

Side idea: along with this there should be a speed trial mode, infinite attempts and also fastest time wins after a set amount of time (about 3 minutes)

Thanks ~ Founq

I don’t see why this should be limited to Ball race TBH.
We could use a practise/training mode for all the gameworlds.


You spelled Practice wrong…

I was maybe drunk when posting that.

You used the wrong tense *spelt

You don’t know about UK English and US English…

You don’t know about UK English and US English…

EDIT: for the record, I think bashing someone over their spelling is stupid, but I mean… bashing someone bashing someone bashing someone over bad spelling… how could I’ve not replied?

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I don’t think this is necessary, even in GMT when minigolf was a new thing I’d just learn the courses during play.

Practice makes perfect.

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I’m not really “bashing” about their spelling, I’m doing this because in the future when they have to write a letter, they will know how to spell something instead of looking up in a dictionary. I’m just doing them a favor so they won’t look silly with their spelling.

True, i was using ball race as an example

Its not necessary however it its lots of hassle to play map 20 times just to practise one stage. I like to sry one stage for an hour until i have it perfect.

Yes i do. Uk = spelt (i am British) US = spelled

He’s British. Practise is how it’s spelled in British English.