Pixeltail Games Meme Dictionary

Our goal in this thread is to collect all memes we made about TU or this forum. Here’s some of the ones I already picked up:


new moon with face

Dramatic Rob

Dang, nice shoes!

Tower Untie



Catsack Clicker


robber doggo

There are more memes I didn’t include, but you can add new entries and add images to already existing entries! So, go ahead, memer!

also note these images are not mine, I found them posted from various users while searching the forum for fitting images.


Classic TU Memes I love it!

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My melon meme is the dankest meme :sunglasses:

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PS Home

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Wait a minute… I’ve created a meme… WHAT HAVE I BECOME?! :new_moon_with_face:

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no? ok…

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Hey! I made most of those!?!

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Speaking of nice shoes, I’ve not noticed the notifications being used since forever.

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Also just a notice, incase any new meme should arise on these forums about one of our games or the forums, I will update the OP. But this is actually a wiki, anyone can add stuff to it. Still thinking about making it a wiki or just keeping it an always-keep-up-to-date board for myself. But it’s a wiki atm.

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Alright, so, just a notice, I added the Catsack Clicker to it! Enjoy watching the OP getting bigger and bigger!

I wondered why the “Dang Nice shoes!” screenshot looked so familiar http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=568465066

I’m proud to say that i have made water a meme.
It’s not every day you get to say that.
This is a rare meme, only found on one forum, hydration and health will come to you, but only if you post: “thank you almighty water,” in the next 5 minutes

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Yes, it gotta be a bump, I apologize. Can’t edit the OP for whatever reason. (why can’t we edit old posts?)

29k spoons

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What about the snowiness percentile, LC Deus vult, Birb, the office chair man?


I haven’t updated this thread in a while so I could add all of those.