No Jackpot Related Achievements

Yes! that’s right because it’s stupid and easy but still requires some sort of skill because there’s probably more requirements to it than just “wear the playermodel”. (Similar to the “RP as a Zombie Achievement” from GMT.

Achievements don’t have to be difficult, but they don’t have to be bullshit either[quote=“Baby_Blue, post:19, topic:26855”]
not realizing how obtainable it is, and are a little out of touch with the odds and payouts of the casino.
it’s RNG there is no obtainable score for it.
You can earn it first try, but you also couldn’t that is what’s so wrong about having that in the game.


Now you’re just demeaning others who would like to show off that they enjoy their time in the casino. Why would someone be a jerk because they have an achievement that represents a portion of a game they love? Also I’m playing devils advocate here a bit, as I have stated I’m not a huge fan of the casino.

Your balance is ever changing as you earn units from other activities and spend them.

I hope 100% completion takes much longer than a single Triple Diamonds jackpot, and that it would only be a fraction of time compared to the rest of the list. Also if it were pure luck, then luck would determine whether you get the achievement at all. Luck just determines how fast you get it, and the time you dedicate towards it will ensure you will get it.

Anyways I’m posting too much, my final statement is I don’t mind if the jackpot achievements go away but I don’t think they should be scrapped just because its a tedious to others who don’t enjoy casino. The only thing it will do is make people’s first jackpots more rewarding. I’m sure with the out lash of a few TU fans the devs will find a good compromise or scrap it.

I just wanted to give me opinions on the subject. It was nice getting others insights though and I hope everyone is happy with the final achievement list without it being too easy to complete.

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Haha sorry must have got caught up and misread, you said calling them difficult was absurd! I was just pointing out that other achievement require no difficulty and are actually absurd (in a good way). Never meant to imply the jackpots are difficult, just requiring dedication if you have bad luck.

It’s in my opinion, because in my opinion i’d feel like a jerk for having such an achievement.

Take a photo, it’ll last longer.

Except luck DOES determine if you get it or not, you can spend your whole life until death and still not get the bloody thing.

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I honestly do not understand how some people here can defend RNG-based achievements. We are not talking about a 10% chance here, people sit for hours at a slot machine to win a jackpot. The majority of those people don’t even end up winning it, effectively wasting their time on absolutely nothing.

Sorry, but if achievements are meant to make the player explore the different parts of a game, sitting your ass numb for 5 hours should not be considered a part of this game.

If you want DIFFICULT achievements then make players kill 1968 infected or something. It takes quite a while, but at least you have full control over it. Team Fortress 2 does a great job with this, I am still on my way to kill 100,000 robots in MvM. It’s an insane number but it’s not based on sheer luck. And I get to push more than one button.

As someone with a job, I can safely say that I am not going to spend hours in the casino just so I may get an achievement. It’s unfun and plain bullshit.


I feel like some of the arguments are missing the point of the game and what we are doing with the achievements.

Tower is a game made up of different genres of games. There will be some genres you may personally dislike, such as Casino. However, Casino still needs it’s own achievements because it is part of the game.

There are people that do enjoy playing Casino games such as Video Blackjack and slots. They may not be you, but they do exist.

Adding achievements for Casino games is a necessity, but there really isn’t much we can add that doesn’t involve RNG achievements.

For example, Video Blackjack requires skill to know when to stand, but in the end it’s up to the next unknown card that is drawn that determines if you won or not. Do we just completely ignore when a player gets a natural blackjack? Do we ignore when a player gets a three of a kind in poker?

The same can be said with the slot machines. Winning the jackpot gives you money, sure, but the ability to show off that you got a jackpot in the first place is very rewarding. If you don’t like Casino games, then, yeah you may not care personally, but a person out there that does will certainly care.

Satisfying players who are grinding for 100% achievements is not really our goal here. Our goal is to add achievements to these little bubbles of games that make sense in the context of those games.

And let’s not forget, achievements are not the only end game to Tower. We have Condos, badges, milestones, fishing book, cooking book, Game World upgrades, Ocean Expansion, and an idea for a final game area in Plaza. Those all have to be collected and unlocked if you want to 100% Tower.

Plus, we are going to be adding achievements as we go.

The questions are:

Do we scrap all Casino RNG achievements to satisfy those who do not enjoy Casino (or want to 100% achievements), resulting in Casino fans losing out of achievements? If so, what would replace these achievements?

Personally, I don’t think we should remove the achievements because you’d be alienating a group of players.


Literally all I don’t want is an achievement for getting a jackpot. Make achievements for getting 3 spins on WoM, or for getting a full house on Poker. Because that’s still manageable without investing several hours in it.

If you can’t avoid RNG, don’t make it obnoxious.


I’d like to state that this thread was for No Jackpot related achievements and then in the post says [quote=“Spookz, post:1, topic:26855, full:true”]
Please do not have any jackpot achievements. At least not for the slot machines.
(though the title of the thread was misleading and has since been fixed)

Also this next bit is just my opinion personally.

but are you really playing a game if only just brainlessly hitting the space bar? whilst watching or listening to some other form of media and being occasionally interrupted by a “are you awake?” checker?

Edit: I must really leave now to sleep and won’t respond until 9+ hours later. Unless of course the developers decide to lock the thread due to “controversy” or something like that. (which happens sometimes and i don’t think that’s very fair)
Edit2: i realise the above comment really doesn’t help.

But, even if that group of players is just pressing space, they still exist. It’s not like they aren’t real for liking a part of a game that requires pressing space (unless they’re macro users).

The Casino is still a part of Tower Unite, and it needs achievements too, like every other part of the game will. There’s real people who do press the space bar repeatedly while being interrupted by a macro checker (like Drrabbit) and if there were bots or macro users, they’d be kicked off the slot machine in 15 minutes. Yet, you see most of the plaza at the Casino for hours.

There is a group of real players who genuinely like to spin slots for hours on end, and they should earn achievements like any other group of players playing Gameworlds, Plaza games, or at Condos.

TLDR: A group of real players do spend (a lot of) their time at the Casino, and they should get some rewards like anyone else playing any other part of Tower Unite.


No one is saying that Casino players aren’t real players. I also agree they should gain rewards. But for the love of god, make it possible to get them without having to invest hours or even days into a slot machine. It’s plain awful. And you just don’t seem to get it.

I’ve sat at a slot machine for literally 16 hours before without winning a jackpot. It was the most awful experience I’ve ever had in Tower Unite. The slot machines are just a mixture of annoying sounds and mindless spacebar mashing. And having an achievement dedicated to winning a jackpot just tells me you want your players to do next to nothing for hours, fighting over the best slot machines, and getting mad because someone else got that achievement that they haven’t through pure gambling.

The use of slot machines is encouraged enough by their high jackpots. How about instead of putting achievements on them you put it on other, more neglected parts of the casino?
If you really, really have to implement a jackpot achievement, make it a Royal Flush in poker. And make everyone on the table get it. Something like:

  • Win with or lose against a Royal Flush in poker.

This is better for several reasons, namely

  1. You get to play with others
  2. You get to press more than one button
  3. No one feels left out
  4. People will actually start playing poker

Don’t get me wrong, it’s still an awful achievement, but it’s miles better than the “win a jackpot on a slot machine” ones. And I could see it having a place in the game, most important of all.


There are other achievements for the other Casino games.

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That’s not the point, I don’t want the jackpot ones to exist.


What a sad fucking response. Way to complete dodge all of his points. You guys sure can be really damn stubborn sometimes. First VR support and now this. For a dev team who really encourages feedback, you sure do know how to just turn your ears off when you want to. There’s been almost nothing but negativity surrounding the jackpot achievements and yet, you guys are just determined to find some way to justify adding them. Why are the jackpot achievements so damn important anyway? There’s plenty of other Casino achievements. We’re just asking for 2 achievements to be removed. Those aren’t the only 2 slot machine-related achievements.


I’m more outraged by the cosmic catsack achievement, its extremely hard to get one and what if I don’t want to open it once I finally get it :frowning:


His post was talking about adding achievements to other parts of the Casino, which is why I said, there are other achievements in other Casino games. Poker achievements will be made when Poker is reworked to be endless Poker.

We will continue to add and adjust achievements, they are not released yet.

My post never confirmed that we are still keeping any jackpot achievements, nor did it say I was ignoring any bit of his post. If you read my previous long post, you’ll see I have talked about many of the points already.

Also, the cosmic catsack achievement isn’t probably gonna stay. I wanted to add some sort of achievements to catsacks, though. We do also plan to add other ways to get cosmic catsacks.

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Uh…no it wasn’t. He was just using that as an example of an achievement that you could replace the jackpot achievements with. His whole post was about removing the jackpot achievements.

[quote=“macdguy, post:36, topic:26855, full:true”]
My post never confirmed that we are still keeping any jackpot achievements[/quote]

Oh really.

Also, you say that we’re missing the point of these achievements and yet, you’re completely missing our point.

No one’s asking for all the Casino achievements to be gone. Just the 2 jackpot achievements. As for what to replace them with, it’s not really necessary. There’s already several other slots achievements. What’s the harm in removing 2 achievements.

Also, revisiting an earlier quote:

Guess what? You’re alienating a group of people by keeping them. The achievement hunters who want to 100% the game.

Oh but wait:

You actually don’t care about those people, so I guess it’s not alienation if they don’t belong here in the first place.

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In the end, there are mixed feelings and various opinions about these achievements that we previously had no input on.

Not everyone has fully agreed on the matter and there is still things to be adjusted with the achievements.

Obviously I will take the input into consideration before release of the achievements.


Fair enough but you didn’t address my last two points about the achievement hunters. That’s the main thing that bothers me in all this. I’m not even really that much of an achievement hunter (never 100% a game) but it just seems like such a slap in the face, especially when you yourself specifically said that you don’t want to alienate people.

The context to my alienation comment was about removing all Casino RNG achievements, which would effectively remove pretty much all Casino achievements (unless we come up with others, somehow).

My statement on the 100% achievement was about grinding for achievements. The achievements were not designed with grinding achievements in mind. I do not expect people to sit for hours for just an RNG achievement, I expect them to naturally get it by playing Casino games over their duration of playing Tower.


Ah, ok. That makes sense. But again, nobody’s asking for all the RNG achievements to be removed. Just the two jackpot ones. As for alternatives, you could do things like a certain number of spins on the different machines, spending certain amounts of money on the different machines, perhaps leaving the casino having made a profit and/or loss. Just a couple ideas.

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