Net Neutrality

Hey people, so I logged in to Reddit today to see this:

Just figured I’d pop in and try spreading the word about Net Neutrality. If you’re American this especially affects you, so I’d suggest checking out


“Land of the free”
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Im genuinly starting to wonder why no one has started a revolution or just killed that Ajit Pal guy (please don’t do this) that is trying to get this to pass.
Since a revolution would seem really likely based on what congress and several states has been doing as of late.

USA is going on a downward spiral i see…

It’s not just him, it’s the entire goddamn industry. Even if someone insane enough killed him, the guy would just get replaced.

As a non-american, I can’t do much directly, other than create shitty memes. If you are american however, I strongly suggest you give your representative a call.

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No im danish.
The only thing i can do on my end is to stand on the beach with my binoculars and look at America tearing itself 10 new ones.

For a good year I’ve been watching America tear itself up over stupid shit.
For once I’m glad I live in the UK, but even then if it passes whose to say other country providers will try this shit.

It’ll just encourage others to try to milk more money from citizens, it’s seriously evil. Only the big business gets something out of it.

As a Canadian, I’m proud of my country since they are currently strengthening NN laws :slight_smile:

As a German, I can only hope the CCC continues to kick ass. NN surely will be a topic at 34C3 with this much attention right now.

Ajit Pai says: FCC YOU ALL