[Needs Attention ASAP] Wheel of money Steals ALL your money

I sat down, hit pull, and the spinner never stopped spinning, and it took all my units at once and left me 0. Other people could see the machine spinning non stop and could hear it aswell. I also couldnt get up from it or force respawn i had to close my game, it was the machine 2nd on the left coming in from the entrance

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S c a m m e d

The units exchange only happens once per reel spin. Spinning the wheel doesn’t take units and would not take all your units.

im not saying that spin took my money…1 PULL, took all my units. Not spin. The 3 things that spin never stopped spinning.

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What most likely happened is your units synced at that moment.

i logged in ran to the casino sat down, that was my first action of the day, no units would of been lagged behind, went form 1,000units to 0 with 1 pull that never ended lol. i dont care about the units i lost its nothing im just worried about people losing HUGE ammounts the way i lost 1k.

Update : im not the only one, this happened to someone else tonight randomly they said “All my money is gone” after sitting down and playing a slot.

What I am saying is that you actually had 0 units when you did the pull, but the game didn’t sync until you did that (as it is setup to only sync when you do a pull or when you get off a machine). There was a bug that if you have no units sometimes it’ll spin forever, which I was sure was fixed.

Oh i see i pulled with 0 units already and it shouldn’t of let me pull it at all

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