Jumping ability in Minigolf

The ability to jump like in other golfing games would be great. It will definetly make Minigolf much more interesting and would add that ‘what if’ element in those maps.

This could be available for purchase in the Upgrades Store. Only if the host has bought it and has turned it on in his map that he is hosting, jumping power wolud be given to the players in the game. The keyboard should be ‘Spacebar’, ofcourse!

The key*

I can see this being added in as a mutator for sure! It’d kind of give an unfair advantage in the default game, though.


Pretty sure Upgrade Store is going to be used for miscellaneous upgrades such as changing your LC dragon skin and stuff like that. Instead of stuff that gives you an advantage over others.

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They confirmed mutators way back that would change gameplay for all players. Jumping would be an awesome mutator for minigolf. Of course, payouts would need to adjust based on whatever mutators are enabled though.


Like others have already said, this would be best as a mutator. It’s not a bad idea; it’s just that the current maps weren’t designed around having a jumping mechanic. Hence, making it a default ability would break months of hard work.

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Not a default ability, but it could be turned on and off before the Minigolf game starts by the Host (if he has bought it in the Upgrades store)

We know. Point is, it’d be better suited as a mutator, rather than a purchasable upgrade.


Yes ofcourse