Jesusfreak's half finished plane with low to no items in it

I have no clue if I’m ever going to finish this since I have some exams I need to focus on more, plus the trip to Greenland which will make me go under the radar for a year. at the end of my holiday. So I post this what has been done now and then add more when I got the time for it, might update it or whatever.

But without further ado I present my biggest project so far.


10/10 would crash it in the ocean


how do you even have the nerves for something like this

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When you love placing canvases down, nothing can stops you
*stares at the horizon with a thoughtful look *


I dare you to slam it into the Tower

Pretty sure the jet fuel won’t melt the steel beams


Amazing build!

The scale makes me giggle. Those engines are tiny and the interior space is HUGE haha cool build tho!

I’m using unreal engine so it doesn’t matter how big they are, it will still take off :wink:

Cool, what’s the price of a flight to New York with this ? :grin:

also, do you overbook?

if that’s the case, I should go get my football helmet…

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Well done JesusFreak, you never cease to amaze me.