If you don't make Tower Unite F2P it will die

Sure but we are talking in context of making tu free

Yeah you definitely want something like:

Tower Unite has gone F2P! Start with access to two Gameworld games (Ball Race and Mini Golf) with the possibility of the following DLC:

Gameworld 1 DLC (Virus + Planet Panic): $9.99
Gameworld 2 DLC (Accelerate + Little Crusaders): $9.99
Gameworld 3 DLC (Slaughterday Night Live + Horror Hill): $9.99
Gameworld 4 DLC (Zombie Massacre + [whatever other mystery game is at gameworld]): $9.99
Casino DLC: $14.99
Arcade DLC: $14.99
Theater Pass: $4.99
Workshop Access: $4.99
Bumper Ball + Posideon DLC: $9.99
Laser Tag + Bowling DLC: $9.99
Condo Lease: $19.99 (get your own personal condo!)


Yeah I don’t think so.


You forgot the season pass for 40 dollars I think.


Or the limited edition without the game, sold at Gamestop.


You made my day right there.

oh shit i should be doing my pile of homework over here

Customization Packs 1-10: $2.49 Each.

  • Contains 2 hats!
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If you buy the product, it is assumed you’ve made a more or less informed decision that what is advertised is content you’d like to play. Being advertised as Early Access with the reason that the game is incomplete and involving consumer feedback in the current development phase means you are only expected to buy it if you agree to be part of this process. You can write reviews to do so but complaining about the game being incomplete in a review just shows you’ve made an uninformed decision and is one of the reasons Valve changed the review system to mark Early Access reviews as such and separate the newer reviews.

TL;DR: Reviewing an openly incomplete game negatively because it’s incomplete is like complaining about being unable to play a VR title you bought when you don’t have a VR-HMD.

If TU is doomed to die, it will probably only show once it’s out of Early Access, more or less complete and marketed as such.

Then there’s also not only the pricing models of one time purchase and microtransaction F2P, you could, just to list a few ideas:

  • Spam free weekends.
  • Offer guest passes.
  • Make the game itself F2P but keep some stuff in the paid version, like the ability to earn Units and save your own condo.
  • Offer free money with every purchase. (Free money not included)
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End of story.