Greetings everyone, I'm PunkTiger

You can call me Punk for short. And don’t let the moniker throw you, I like much more than just punk music.

I had heard and seen some interesting things about TU through "Let’s Play"s and such, so I decided to give it the proverbial whirl. So far, I like what I see. Now if I can convince a friend or two to get this on Steam, I can play something more than just Trivia and Bowling.

Intros are my bane; I never know what to put for these things. Anyway, hello!


  • PT

Welcome to the tower and forums PunkTiger. :smile_cat:I’m also not great at introductions.

Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay! :raising_hand:

Welcome to the forums!


Welcome to the forums Punk! You’re better off at introductions than I am at least :stuck_out_tongue:

Welcome to the Community and Forums @PunkTiger!

Hi @PunkTiger, i’m PatrykPL24, but you can call me @PatrykPL24. :wink:

Welcome to our forums!

Welcome to the community! :raising_hand:

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