GLXY Music pulse

I don’t know if this has been suggested and I’m going to keep it short either way.

the new ball race map features a much more prominent beat. So much in fact that it made me think, “Hey, you know what else is based on a beat? The PULSE night club! It would be cool if some of the functionality of the club were made use of in this map, and would give it a very distinctive style on-top of that it already has.”

Now the major problem would be making it not super distracting. My figured out way would just be having checkers that alternate between red and orange to the speed of the beat. I’m sure there are way more cool ways to make use of this technology without making it super distracting that I just am not thinking of though!


something like that would be cool, although I would hope that it’d be able to be toggled, to cut down on lag, or if people don’t like it.

If they don’t like it, then I don’t like them. :wink:

Also I don’t think everything needs to be have a toggle button. There’s a point where it becomes excessive.


I don’t think everything needs one either. Keep in mind I have no idea how the whole system works, I just feel like something like this might cause lag on certain computers.

We had some ideas about doing this but they were pretty distracting.

I know @Madmijk was working on something like this though that wasn’t distracting.

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Damn right I am

Very very very copyrighted music, it’s just there to get the idea

It’s not necessarily distracting, but mainly functional.


How do you have it planned out to not be distracting? The best I could come up with the checkerboard alternating color thing I described above.

Hot damn this looks awesome

Just amazing i wan’t a map like that :frowning:


Keep in mind that you actually “need” to be distracted by these blocks, as you do not want to fall inbetween them. It’s actually all about having the players pay attention to the blocks.

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Omg I love that, we need this.

jesus I came in my pants from watching that map

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I feel bad for the people that are not host playing that map…

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Need it, want it, need it, gotta have it.

More what I was saying is you wouldn’t want a design like… say pulses that send out lines to the edge of the blocks as it might cause some people to roll off the edge following the pattern.

Another idea I had with this would be the giant pillars pulsing like an equalizer I think it’s called.

I’ve been dying to know, what song is this?


I remember when Abandon Ship came out… darn little whippersnappers don’t have any respect for the classics!