First House Project: "Block House"

My first Project with the Canvas Cubes. Spent alot of Units to Create this pile of Canvas. Most of those Rooms have much space, I know. thats because we dont have much different decorations and i dont like to use Canvas Statue as an Object.

Block House outside:

Block House entrance:

Block House First floor:

Living room ( left side from the First floor ):

Bathroom ( through the Living room ):

Kitchen Room + Bar ( right side from the first floor ):

Secound floor:

Room 1 ( left side from Secound floor ):

Room 2 ( right side from Secound floor ):

Third Floor ( Attic ):

Hope you like it.


The house looks really good, how long did it take?

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if you have like 2-3 million units it would take…2-3 weeks.

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Really well made!

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Hey, this is exact method that i am making “Project Galaxia”

yeah i had to get used to the canvas cubes. thats why its more or less like that. and no i didnt looked it up on your project. dont worry.


It’s all really well made, nice job.[quote=“PatrykPL24, post:5, topic:19710, full:true”]
Hey, this is exact method that i am making “Project Galaxia”

Using canvas blocks to build something? really not surprising


This is so cool, awesome job

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