Describe Minigolf in a GIF, video or picture

This is mine.
When it says hurry up.

When I get a Hole in One
Click this link to see the gif

When i found my expectation of the unreal engine 4 physics would be better than the ones from the source engine did not come true.

Seriously i have had times where launching a ball with an extremely small amount of power sends it flying right over the hole like its nothing, or just straight out of the map, while a high power shot sometimes does nothing compared to the low power shot.

Its Unreal engine 4 though

That is annoying.
When that happens to me

When i get a bad score

When i get an Albatross.

Moved to Forum Games because of the nature of this post. IE giving everyone who sees the post a prompt and expecting others to submit an image or video based upon that prompt.

Can i use your inspiration for my new forum game “Describe Virus With A GIF, Picture Or Video”?

Yes you can

When I think I get the hole in one but somehow miss the hole by a nanometer.

True :smiley:


Hold on


The text isn’t necessary considering the gif speaks for itself


I know. I just decided to add text
The cannons in Treasure cove in a nutshell

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Sounds to me like you’re just salty. :slight_smile: